Disappearing and appearing
Ripples on water
An infinity of waves
Radiating tranquility
Yet commanding attention
The surroundings fade 
The water comes closer and closer
Appearing and disappearing

sketch waves, opiumatelier, 2019
sketch waves, opiumatelier, 2019


I want to fully immerse myself in the work without being visible. The ‘I’ plays hide and seek. When I paint I expose and simultaneously disguise myself.
 Sharing my work enables me to project my vision of the world around me on those that inhabit that world. Their eyes looking through my eyes. 

‘1’, 42×29,7cm, Indian Ink on paper, 2016.
SOLD ‘No title’, Indian Ink on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm, 2017.
‘No title’, Indian Ink on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm, 2016.


In order to seek for the “I” I have started from family photos. I aim at capturing the feeling that emerges when I look at these photos. It is an investigation to the elevated “I” that knows more than I know. With ink I sketched this feeling repeatedly, approaching its essence more and more. Left is the introvert soul that stares at me, shining through the gaze of absence of the portrayed on the old photos.

‘6’, 75x95cm, oilpaint on canvas, 2016.
‘3’, 100x100cm, oilpaint on canvas, 2016.
‘8’, 103x120cm, oilpaint on canvas, 2016.


“When this man is alone, he falls asleep.”
On the train, fast asleep, passively swaying in time to the movement of the carriage, reduced to a material object.

‘Monday’, 42X59,4cm, 2016.
‘Saturday’, 42×59,4cm, 2016



“The futility with which Marie Claire hauls herself through the day, avenges itself in the hours of the night. She isn’t tired, but is haunted by the realisation that it is time for her to grow up, apprehending that she has been desperately holding on to her carefree childhood. She has been falling asleep with her eyes open and longs to dream again with her eyes shut, just as they are closed when she laughs whole-heartedly.”
Marie Claire is a both a girl and the embodiment of a time period.

‘Marie’, Acrylics and oil on linen, 100 x 120 cm, 2014.
‘Marie Claire’, oil paint on linen, 110 x 150 cm,
‘Marie Claire’, oil paint on linen, 110 x 150 cm,
‘MC’, Acrylics and oil paint on cotton, 100 x 110 cm, 2015.
‘MC’, Acrylics and oil paint on cotton, 100 x 110 cm, 2015.
‘MC’, Acrylics and oil paint on cotton, 100 x 110 cm, 2015.