Degann is the artist pseudonym for Anne de Groot. Her paintings and watercolours search for phantoms, ‘the spirit’ and emotion. The multiple layers in the paintings create an elusive form, like light the works are simultaneously fleeting and present.
“Our perception has many subjective filters; spirit, body, memory. Because of paintings’ array of possibilities, from depiction to total abstraction, it has the ability to surpass these filters and reach someone on an emotional level. My paintings show traces of emotion, power, vulnerability and reality. I realize this by combining techniques and distorting watercolours with smudges, creating tension with reality. Therefore the spectator doesn’t focus on the likeness and recognition, but on the emotion. I look for attractive perspectives, vivid and approachable images but give them a dark edge. At first glance my works invite you in, but by taking a longer and closer look, a certain discomfort becomes apparent. This abrasiveness triggers a reaction with the spectator. Above all I’m looking to stimulate the senses and invite the audience into a real experience of the images. I play with tension between beauty, esthetics and raw emotion.”

2023 May 26th – June 26th: Group exhibition at Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2023 February 2nd – March 11th: Solo exhibition GETTING CLOSE at gallery Art Absolument, Paris(France)
2022 November: ST ART ’22 with Gallery Art Absolument, Strasbourg Contemporary Art Fair, Strasbourg(France)
2022 March: Art Absolument, 20 ans avec les artistes, Espace Art Absolument, Paris(France)
2022 March: The Creative Room #2 by a.topos, Venice Art Factory, Venice(Italy)
2022 March: Lille ART UP! Lille Grand Palais, Lille (France)
2021 November: ST ART ’21 with Gallery Art Absolument, Strasbourg Contemporary Art Fair, Strasbourg(France)
2021 June: DDESSIN PARIS with Gallery Art Absolument, Paris Contemporary Art Fair, Paris(France)
2020-2021 Group-exhibition ‘En Quéte d’Espace’ at gallery Art Absolument, Paris(France)
2020 oktober: A-Lonely Show at Sexyland, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2020 September: DDESSIN PARIS with Gallery Art Absolument, Paris Contemporary Art Fair, Paris(France)
2019 December: Art-O-Maat 40 jaar! exhibition, Galerie Oosterbosch, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2019 March: Group exhibition, Meraki AgencyXBouwput, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2018 September: Group exhibition, Tekenkabinet, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2018 August: Group exhibition, ‘Genesis’, Athenes(Greece)
2018 April: Group exhibition, Tekenkabinet, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2018 January: Solo exhibition, Dasthe space, Casablanca(Morocco)
2017 November: Posture group exhibition, Superchief gallery, NY(USA)
2015 February: Group exhibition, Sanquin, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
2013 Oktober: Solo exhibition ‘Imperfections’, Kunst10daagse, Bergen(The Netherlands)
2012 March: Solo exhibition ‘Imperfections’, Galerie Joghem, Bloedbank Sanquin, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
Alkmaar Maakt Het! 2023
Makersimpuls Alkmaar, 2022
Jackson’s painting prize, 2021(Nomination)
Sanquin (CLB), Amsterdam
Private collections
Art Absolument Gallery, Paris(France)
Artsper online Gallery
Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
02/2023 Horschamp Formes Halte, online article about exhibition Getting Close, France
09/2022 Artension Magazine n°175, article about watercolour in today’s art scene, France
01/2022 Art Absolument Magazine, publication about Lille Art Up!, France
09/2021 Culture Club, RTV NH dutch television program, interview, The Netherlands
07/2021 Art Absolument Magazine (6 Pages and Interview), France
06/2021 Le Quotidin de l’Art (Art Newspaper), publication about DDESSIN, France
05/2021 Art Absolument Magazine, publication about DDESSIN, France
06/2020 Alvento publication (Magazine), Milano, Italy
11/2019 Radio 4 interviews ‘Opium’, The Netherlands
04/2019 Radio 1 interview ‘De proloog’, The Netherlands
03/2019 Publication ‘Lic-Hamo’ with Meraki Agency, The Netherlands
02/2019 Noord Hollands Dagblad (2 Pages and Interview), The Netherlands
01/2019 ATWY Magazine (5 Pages and Interview), Vienna, Austria
09/2018 Polyseme Magazine (8 Pages and Interview), Paris, France
03/2018 Unvaeljournal (4 Pages), Colorado, USA
01/2018 Polluzine (8 Pages and Interview), Denver, USA
12/2017 Digitale kunstkrant, Utrecht, The Netherlands
10/2017 Unknown magazine (Essay and Spread), York, UK
07/2017 Wanda magazine (Spread), Sheffield, UK
04/2017 Dispurs magazine (Interview), Korea
01/2017 GIRL magazine (Article), Dubai
01/2017 Kaltblut magazine (Online magazine), Germany
09/2016 Metropolitan society magazine (Article), Boston, USA
09/2016 La frimeuse (Online magazine, Article), Russia
09/2016 Youngspacedotcom (Article), UK
09/2016 Femini magazine (Spread), UK
01/2014 Analøg Magazine (Spread), The Netherlands
10/2012 Kunstkrant TenToon (Interview and Cover), The Netherlands